Complaint Form
  • Please complete the fields below and submit the form.  Required fields are highlighted.
  • After the form is submitted, a confirmation page will be displayed with a Ticket ID that you should use when communicating with CREC Transportation.
  • Reason Code:
    Reason CodeDescription
    Bus DriverA complaint or concern regarding the driver of the bus route.
    Bus MonitorA complaint or concern regarding the bus monitor assigned to the bus route.
    Bus Route Late with No Notification of DelayA complaint for receiving late notification for bus route delay(s) or no notification at all.
    Bus ScheduleA complaint pertaining to the established bus route schedule or bus stop arrival time.
    CREC AthleticsA complaint related to CREC Athletics transportation.
    No notification received (updated route or stop)A complaint that no notification was provided for bus route changes or delays.
    No ResponseA complaint that no response or follow up was provided.
    Route Too LongA complaint that the route is too long.
    Stop LocationA complaint pertaining to a pick-up or drop off location.
    Student MisconductGeneral issues related to the behavior of one or more students, including alleged bullying on a bus or at a bus stop.
    OtherAll other reasons for the complaint not listed